Child Car Safety Tips

Children are more likely to be injured close to home, often in their own street or driveway as their curiosity and desire to explore can lead them into danger.

To ensure the safety of your little ones on and around the road consider the following tips:

  • Whenever children are in a vehicle, they should be safely buckled-up in a child car seat that is correct for their age and size. For expert assistance with fitting and adjusting your child car seats, reach out to Authorised Restraint Fitting Stations.

  • While driving, take the opportunity to explain how child car seats and seatbelts keep us safe. Emphasise the importance of using the Safety Door (rear door closest to the kerb, footpath, or gutter and away from the road) when getting in and out of the car.

Set family rules about playing safely outside, such as holding hands when walking and staying away from driveways to help them become safer pedestrians.

Songs and music can also help to deliver road safety messages. To make buckling up in the car an exciting experience for your kids, check out ‘Buckle and Be Safe’, a song we created with Transport NSW. This catchy tune encourages children to hop into their car seats but also encourages life-saving safety lessons.

For more information on child road safety, please visit our helpful websites below, we're here to help you keep your little ones safe on the road!

Children Road Safety Tips

Child Car Seats - Road Safety NSW


Preparing for School?


Essential Pool Safety Tips for Families